Two days tour to the southern region of Israel

desert landscape

A two days private tour to the southern District of Israel

When you travel in Israel and you look for a private tour guide, I offer you to join me to a wonderful tour at the South of Israel.
We will start out travel in Israel at our private tour to the south by driving to the Judea Desert. Visit Qumeran where the Dead Sea scrolls were found at the same place that community “Yachad” lived 2000 years ago.
Our travel in Israel will continue to the unique Oasis of Ein Gedi, we will go to a nice hike in the oasis, where we will learn some more of the deserts animals and flora.
We will continue our private tour in Israel to “Masada”  
– a fortress deep in the Judea Desert that represents the resistance spirit against the roman rulers.
This famous fortress was the last stronghold of the Jews in their war against the Romans. 
Masada relates a story of power, faith and surrender with a tragic end.  
Drive to the Dead Sea, is part of your travel in Israel you should not forget, this is the world’s lowest place, you will enjoy the floating experience and the saltiest water. If you would like to you can also enjoy the mineral mud and get covered by it.
Overnight in the hotels by the Dead Sea.
Our second day tour of your travel in Israel will start by driving with your private tour guide at the Negev desert.
We will visit agriculture farm to see how people grow vegetables and flowers in the desert, we will continue to Kibbutz Sde Boker where David Ben Gurion spent his last years.
We will end our days visit at the Ramon Crater, and learn some about it. We can end our private tour here, or continue to the next day. Overnight in Eilat.
At your next day of travel in Israel there is a possibility to visit Petra the ancient capital of the Nabatians- for 1 day.
The above offer is just as it sounds – an offer,   the private tour we suggest will be tailored-made exactly and especially as you require.
Please call at your convenience Zvi
or send an e-mail :
or leave your details and we will get back to you.